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Thursday 3 December 2015

CHAT with Emily !

Àœàïv èœûîôèÿ ?
Éîôíüœ !
$îéùô frèñch ûœ kôrîeôn ?
can't uderstand your language
What ? Not from koria or france . your name is french i thought .
I'm finding a partner to pratice french . Are u have any french friend who would help me ?
nope i am from pakistan
real name maham khan
just like this name so made it as my id name
Pakistan ? oh how you live in this terrorist state ?? Crazy pants Taliban allow you to use internet ?
My girlfriend Roeie have one friend from your country in university , her name is huda kemran i think .
don't think like that about us dear
they can't stop usss
it is our life and we can live it according to our ways
they just want to make us coward
but we are brave enough
i m proud to be a pakistani
Here i often see the wars news in pakistan . And pakistan is so lower class country like i hear that its litracy rate is just 40 % and people just kill each other with bond especially now may they use their useless nuclear bombs to kill themselves.
one day pakistan will be the strongest country i assure uh smile emoticon
Sorry i don't want to hurt u , but according to what i hear ur country is just a useless ugly spot on the map only inhance war and killing .
ummm we don't enhance warrrrrrrrrrr
gasp emoticon
In asia Pakistani Extremists want to kill every one who is not like them , especially christens.
it ix so complex to explain uh
Try i'm quite good in soceology , so i'll got easy way than as you assume .
what uh will do after that
May be i'll publish some kind of article name ' pakistan in the eye of pakistani' in next month university magzine .
terrorists made our country like this
Ok so your all people themselves are not real crazy terrorists ?
yup we r not
Then why u need to hide your name and picture even on social media like fb , is this due to some part of their terror on your people ?
u r from?
i have another id with may real name
I'm south koreian , now a days in Australia . Studing arts .
and as we are muslim islam teaches girl to do veil
smile emoticon
Two ids ! is all pakistani have two ids ?
O my God
u r making the things more complexxx
think positiveeeeeee
I'm quite positive as compare to my fellows . In truth there is no positivity , just evil is evil either we do that or someone else .
i have positive mind smile emoticon
ok its 12 here me have to sleep
smile emoticon
and note that we are not so bad as much uh people think about us
smile emoticon
Oh God ! here i heard a news on bbc , some thing like terror bombs attack on Christians in pakistan while they praying in Church , why u people like to kill the people of other religions ?
shut up just shut upppppppppppp
one time uh said terrorist and other way uh said we are doing thisssssssss
y we dooo dissssssssss
is there any logic
unsure emoticon
if we want to kill other religion people so y we kill muslimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmz
don't uh hear about the terrorist attack in peshawar school
how many student died there
they all are muslimmzzzz
got it
we are not killing anyone we love everyone equallly
Because you want to kill all those who looks little open mind , i'd not agrue that u kill innocents but the people who are responsible for this said them real muslims.
they aren't muslimzz even they aren't animalzz
Acording to CNN , the peshewer attcks responsibility was confermed by Taliban ( who are the emplememtors of true islam! Is this islam wants ?
islam is so beautifu;
i don't know y these people are doing this
cry emoticon
everyone cried on the deaths ov little flowers cry emoticon
If islam is so beautiful then why the not allow education to the innocent childerns , i heard u people call that the west education is poison for muslim child , and to save ur child from this u not dare to kill them.
can uh just stop saying uuh unsure emoticon
islam don't stop children not to learn
Why all muslim countries are downfall , if islam is perfect code of life then they should be like well developed countries , but we see hunger , lack of education and corruption are the basic characterstics of these muslim states.
our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) had all the qualities he said but i proud to be the learner or teacher so how islam stops child not to learn
there people who are doing this are mad
Your nations children just consume whole time in learning a book 'HOLY KORAN' but even not know that killing other is prohibited in any realigion of world .
if we are one of them than our army did not kill any of them
Holy Quran
uh don't know how they people urge others to do all this
Your armies are under control of miltary funds (banks) and bank is work by taking loans from world bank , so ur army just follow the world band orders and spread terror .
do our chat solve anything
But these are the question which u not be able to answer thats why u just saying nope nope , we not promote terror , we are people of peace !
what uh will do after knowing anwers
even not your thinking can be change after that
do uh know urdu?
if uh know urdu than i can explain it properly
i dn't know english very good
Thats the evil point , u r not able to convince a single man toward ur agruement , so why u always talk about spreading ur religion to all world .
Its the power of words and arguements that penetrate the heart to change thinking .
right uh r really very ri8
ok than listen
I knew korean , english and little bit french just !
now ask Questions
Ok lets began with very basic things , ok ?
First add me so time by time i'll talk to u on this interesting topic , i find that u r just neutral kind of person so its easy for both of us to understand each other ideaologies with peaceful mind.
accept the request
Why muslim like war , which he termed some thing like Jehaad ?
oho muslim didn't like jehaad
ops muslim didn't like wars
listen jehaad mean when any of person do against the islam or Allah and Holy Prophet then
But you Holy koran have numerous orders to do that ?
Is killing other for just to get land is not war ?
muslim have to do jehad against him
Ok , but in early izlamic empire just spread by war , there is no one against them at that time ?
And now IS in seria , what they are doing ?
do uh know if a muslim is really act upon the teaching ov islam than people will impress by him
there is no need ov war than
earlyy islam when???
May be , but i did not find any one who impress by any muzlim warrior , which thing make muslim impressive ?
now a days only few ov us are real muslims
IS (ISLAMIC STATE IN SERIA ) who are killing others and their leader say that rain not come due to evaporation , it sended by God .
What sort of muslim u r Early islam mean when islam start growing on mid coast of medetrananium sea .
Yeah seria .
i have a good idea to explain uh thing like that
add him
Yeah , then why r u waiting . Start it now .
Who's is that ?
he know english well and he is my class fellow and knows everything better than me
he knows islam even more than me
and he can explain more clearly to uh
smile emoticon
Ok i'll . But is he/she is capable to clear my questions .
he ix
i assure uh smile emoticon
Ok i send him a request , lets see what ur this person will do .
he ix not online now
but i message him about uh
when he will online he will add uh
Is he ur brother or relative ?
class fellow i said
we study in same acedmy
oka me have to go now
Allah hafix
ops bye
smile emoticon
Ok ..
take care
Ur english wording are little bit vary from australian one ? Is it hinglish ?
grin emoticon
May God peace upon u.
its my english
Lol but I'm not joking Hinglish is also kind of english spoken in south asia , like here around singlish (singaporian english) is common.
Thanks to recomment me .he looks exactly person of my nature . He gave arguments like my teacher just difference is he is substituting my idea with his one by giving amazing proofs on every argue .You not tell me He is language Nerd too , know french little bit , same like me to learn french language .he say he is learning arabic ( total hardest language ) these days . I bet he is topper of your acadmy ?
he can't give concentration to his studies
if he do that he will
smile emoticon
smile emoticon
my english should be than minglish "Maham's english"
grin emoticon
yeah probably .
He is arguing with me about north and sorth korea war and political mishaps .
um what i can do know
thats your problem
Yeah , i know my problem but now i'm Australian citizen. so i don't know what terrible going in korea in internal level .
BILL is not replying , WHAT'S THE MATTER?
exams going on
what sort of?
so i think he is busy in studies
final exams
ok . i hope he'll reply soon then .i was thinking he is trying to ignore me..
i don't think so
what you think then?
i said he must be busy in paper's preparation
ok , i'll u him later then.how many day i have to wait?
see him*
2 weeks i think
long time , thanks for inform.

Chat Conversation End
Publisher: Bill Green - 12:18


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